"First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind. If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it. We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand." - C.S. Lewis

I can relate to that quote from C.S. Lewis. I love how he wrote that we do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand. I write to understand. I write to learn more about myself and how I can continue to grow spiritually and emotionally. I started writing when I was a teenager. I've grown a lot as a writer since then. I write at Medium and am a content writer for several content creation companies. Here are the links for the publications I created and publish on Medium.

I wrote my first book when I was in high school. I self-published it, but then I went to college and didn't do much to promote the book. I wrote my next book, Bella Lucia, years later. That book was published under my full name, Joanne Troppello. I have four other books that were published under my name, J.M. Troppello: Sunflower Quest: Seek the Sunlight, Mr. Shipley's Governess, Open the Door to Worship, and Blogger Mentoring & SEO Strategies. You can find my books on Amazon.

Fifteen years ago, I lost my job. Six months later, my husband lost his. I got another job, but it was a struggle until my husband could get another job. We had money in savings but then had to use all of it in the next two years because we couldn't afford our house payment anymore. We got into credit card debt. We didn't want to, but we had to sell the house in a short sale. That was heartbreaking for both of us.

We had to move into a rental. We didn't know it at the time, but that condo had mold issues. I got sick. The landlord was not very responsive. We were still trying to get back on our feet, and it was difficult to get money to find another place. We received some help from our extended family and were able to get a new rental that was clean and mold-free. After living in a mold-free environment, I got healthy again.

We started to get back on track. I worked online for two content creation companies. I was earning a good amount of money and my husband had a job working good hours. We got out of credit card debt. We felt proud of ourselves that we hadn't paid anything with a credit card for several years. We saved up to make any big purchases and didn't use credit cards.

Then COVID hit, and I lost a lot of writing projects. My husband lost hours at his job. It was frustrating that we had finally started to get back on track and then we had to use our savings money again to pay bills. With inflation on the rise in the last few years, it's been a struggle to pay our bills. It's been a roller coaster ride of getting ahead and taking two steps backward.

I've been praying for a way out. God opened the door in a big way. I learned about the Legacy Builder Program with the Digital Growth Community. Please click the link above for more information. You can watch the following video for testimonials about this digital marketing, proven blueprint to make daily pay by working 2 hours a day.

21 years ago, I was engaged to my husband. I had a very bad sinus infection. My doctor prescribed antibiotics. They didn't work. The sinus infection got worse. My husband's uncle shared with me about some natural solutions. One of them was colloidal silver. I tried that natural solution. He also suggested I start using the Neti pot, which is a saline rinse. Both natural solutions helped, and my sinus infection cleared up.

I was so glad. The congestion was annoying, and the sinus headaches were bad. Red marks also developed under my eye. It looked like I got punched in both eyes. And, I had to take my license renewal photo during that time. The infection lasted a few weeks. It was not fun walking around looking like I'd gotten punched in the face. I hated looking like that in my license photo.

Soon afterward, I met someone from our church who was a Shaklee distributor. She introduced me to these great health and wellness products. I became a Shaklee distributor myself and love it! I enjoy sharing these products with others who are interested in living a healthy lifestyle. If you are interested in learning more about these health and wellness products, visit my Shaklee Store.

Created by JM Troppello with © systeme.io

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